Jan 30, 2017
Just about every music teaching studio and academy is on Facebook these days, and you should be! Facebook has over 1 billion users and is far and away the most popular and active social network.
Facebook also has lots of data on their users, data we can use to target potential customers and turn them into paying students.
However, most teachers are not using Facebook to it's true money making potential, and that's costing them time and revenue.
Let's look at three of the biggest mistakes I see private teachers and academy owners making.
This is a perfect example of "penny wise, pound foolish."
Your business page posts are no longer getting the organic reach they once were. It is now estimated that Facebook will show your post to only 1 to 2% of people who have liked your page.
If you have even 1,000 likes, only 10 to 20 people are seeing your posts. This is not going to move the needle on your business.
Even worse, this does nothing to make new potential customers aware of your business, as it's ony shown to people who already know who you are.
The bottom line: You MUST spend money on Facebook Ads.
I know the backend of Facebook can be confusing, but you need to learn it in order to start maximizing your social media outreach.
The fact is, you are wasting your time endlessly posting without investing in ads.
Boosting posts is Facebook’s way of making it easy to spend money with them. The problem is boosted posts aren’t really the most effective way of finding customers.
Although it’s better than doing nothing, a boosted post usually just goes to people who already like your page.
This is fine if you need to let current fans know about a special event, but a terrible way to find new clients.
You need to learn how to create targeted audiences and run ads to them.
This is the BEST way to start driving up interest and your student enrollment.
This is one almost everyone misses, and yet it is probably the most powerful part of Facebook Advertising.
Have you aver looked at a product online and then have the product suddenly show up in your Facebook feed?
This is because you were “pixeled.”
As an advertiser Facebook will give you your own unique bit of code that you can install on your website.
This pixel code will “tag” anyone who comes to your website, giving you the ability to run ads directly to them.
Just using these remarketing techniques helped me achieve huge growth in my Music Academy.
And I can tell you, very few, if any, of your competitors are using the pixel. This alone can give you a huge advantage in your area.
If you combine pixeled audience building along with targeted advertising campaigns, you will create a supercharged way to grow your studio without having to spend a lot of time or wasted money.